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iFORM Information Technologies provides Integrated IT Solutions & Develops Innovative Information Systems, adopting the most up-to-date and optimal technologies. At the same time it has modern IT infrastructure & highly trained staff.

Why us?

With our services and solutions, we contribute to:

  • Increase Productivity
  • Upgrade
  • Development
  • Competitiveness
  • Business & Organization Development

Clients Support

210 6018039
Private Sector
Advanced Features
Cloud & Software as a Service

The most serious alternative approach for businesses who want to acquire advanced features of information systems and also to be competitive without commit equity.

IT Services & Consulting

Our Company

iFORM Information Technologies provides Integrated IT Solutions & Develops Innovative Information Systems, adopting the most up-to-date and optimal technologies. At the same time it has modern IT infrastructure & highly trained staff.

Why us?

With our services and solutions, we contribute to:

  • Increase Productivity
  • Upgrade
  • Development
  • Competitiveness
  • Business & Organization Development

Cloud Services

Advanced Features
Cloud & Software as a Service

The most serious alternative approach for businesses who want to acquire advanced features of information systems and also to be competitive without commit equity.

Our Funding Principles & Core Values


iLs Plus – Intergrated Logistics System

The iLS Plus (Integrated Logistic System Plus) consists of an integrated web-based solution which meets with the needs of any enterprise operation, concerning the supply chain either for third parties (3Party Logistics) or for the companies themselves.
As an integrated solution, it supports the capabilities and characteristics of an improved Warehouse Management System (WMS), an advanced Enterprise Resources Planning System (ERP) and an effective B2B/B2C tool.

ERP and e-Procurement Platform

The Platform is a centralized system with which you can manage multiple branches (located in different places) thus allowing you to achieve overall or separate control on real time basis and at the minimum running cost.
The Platform supports, in the most efficient way, the management of: e-Procurement, material and warehouse, financial and human resources – Payroll of Public Organizations.

Business Vision ERP

Business Vision ERP is an integrated information system for managing the Enterprise Resources, a state-of- the-art solution.Is an improved web-enable information system, simple and easy to use, providing many functionalities and automated operational processes thus allowing it to be an effective enterprise tool. The system provides high level parameterization, so it can meet with the requirements and special needs of each enterprise, regardless of its size and field of industry.

Financial Management System of Public Entities and Insurance Agencies

integrated solution effectively covers the management of the financial resources of the Public Employment Services and Social Insurance Institutions (Organizations, Funds, Hospitals, etc.). At the same time, in a single automated environment, the requirements of Presidential Decree 80/2016 (Commitment Register) are met.

Why us?

Quality Assured

Our aim is to provide our customers with quality service at all levels and aspects.

Customer Focused

At iForm Information Technologies we adopt our customers’ goals as our own, prioritizing the search for the best solutions to ensure their success.

Customized Service

Customizing our services allows us to quickly and efficiently understand our customers’ needs.

Expertise – Know How

We have wide experience in providing IT and consulting services. As a result of this we offer reliable solutions to large-scale projects and with high level requirements.

Other Services…

Data Center Services

All of you Apps, email and other business services in in a reliable, high-availability space with value-added and low-cost services from iForm IT.

Receipt of Equipment

Without requiring you to move from your place, we take care of picking up and delivering in your area of equipment that needs maintenance or repair.

iForm Repair

Rely on us to repair your hardware (server, pc, laptop, printers, scanners, modems, switches, mobile devices, etc.) to our technicians. The service can also be provided in your area.

Phone Support

We support the operation of our systems and applications by telephone. We deal with every problem by providing the necessary instructions directly and effectively.

Indicative Projects & Clients

Describe your need!
We are here to suggest you how to implement it